Those hindered prayers, has to be stopped. The heavenly Father told us to pray. and you should, so do it! Wouldn’t you like help from the lord I know I would? My mind seems to ponder on negative thoughts. I will get my prayers right and get the victory. The lord foresee everything, the enemy of humanity can’t. We can receive spiritual and material things we desire. I’m sure of it. Praying all the time will keep things moving. Get the best things in this world through prayer. We dont allow our prayers to go hindered. And I’d bet we would prosper very well. any way be thankful, I am very happy for everyone. Those hindered prayers will hunt us. Listen People, God has a plan for you all. I suggest we keep praying and recieveing the good things in life.
Remember to pray
Putting up a fight we must, sometimes we don’t. and that’s very awkward toward me. Repeat after me no more hindered prayers. Any of you want prayer? I will pray for you. I’m praying for relatives and siblings and please don’t forget me? God gave to me a great place with a nice car. he has more for me. Know that he is Good and praise him. We glorify him at all times. And mindful in a prayer of the present enemies; they don’t like it at all. Prayer works for our good.