Thanks to the Heavenly Father, for answering prayer. You must wait for him even in the darkest hour.

People, wait on him that made all things. because the world inhabitants, they have become truly wicked. Children killing parents, and parents murdering their children.

The wicked will destroy you, they have no use for God. They hate him, so they also hate you. When the evil ones come around you, began to pray. For they don’t want to hear you praying. Isn’t that evil? when a human being can hear you thinking. their source of power are demonic spirits. They have chosen this world over the one to come. Prayer works, so be sure to schedule it in everyday.

Prayer warrior

Be not decieved, prepare yourself by being obedient to God. The demons will hunt, but the Lord is our deliverer. And so We shall shout, prayer works! and it does.

Thanks to you, Heavenly Father. for answering my prayers. We have to see you when we die, thats what life is all about.

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