Everyone has a gun and they’re training for war. Who is the intended target? I find myself tempted to do the same thing, I believe the Heavenly Father wants me to trust in him. Know one is my enemy, just those of the unseen world. How to train for war came into my mind and I started this blog post. Everything is going as the Heavenly Father planned. Yes it’s uncomfortable and this is his creation and I cannot change anything at all.
How To Train For War
I guess I’ll have to stand still and see how God handles things. Know one likes their enemies bothering them, I would like to be part of a physically strong force of people. Instead of, well I guess I am, the righteous people of the earth. Ok, this is what I’m personly going to do wait, continue to trust God, show love, and hope for the best. Anyway, I cannot get people to get out and fight anyone. My spiritually dead enemies come against me whenever they are allowed to do so, I detest it. Please love your enemies that should do it. As we all know the Lord has people all over the earth, they shall see us standing firm in the face of danger. If the evil ones going to destroy us we want them to look at the trust in God we have on our countenance.